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Thankyou for choosing me to provide your consultation for your microloc install service.. I am Tameka and I will take between 30-45min to explain the process, confirm your service, do hair assessment, discuss the best method, and size for your hair texture, and density, install test locs, discuss reties and maintenance and develop your service price quote. During this time feel free to ask any and all questions you have. When we are done, you will have knowledge of the microloc journey, understand the policies, details of your service, price and desired install date. My microlocs are small interlocked locs that utilizes a technique that creates strong locs which can vary in method and size from sm-lrg.  It is maintained through the use of a tool that allows me to be able to provide a clean , neat and strong loc. 
My 1st priority is the health and longevity of your locs. I look forward to your booking. 

 Microloc Services
Please Text (862)448-0096 to book your consultation.  



Microlocs Installation pricing varies by hair length ,density, head size, loc method and loc size. ,which will be determined during your consultation. 

TwoStrand Twistlocs with Natural Hair starting @ $600 

Braidlocs with interlock Roots starting @_ $650


Extensions, to be determined during consultation. 

Full Microloc Interloc 
starting@ $750 

Hello, Thank you for choosing me to cater to your crown.
Before booking your appointment, please read Loc'd.Roots full booking policy.
Proceeding to booking an appointment, means that you have read and agree to all terms and conditions in the booking policy.

I am located in Union Nj..Phenix Salon ..The direct address will be sent to you via text/email within 24-48 hours after booking your appointment. 



*Deposit is due at the time of booking.*NO DEPOSIT = NO APPOINTMENT.



A $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is REQUIRED to book your Consultation.

(this is not included in install price) 
A 20% or $100 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is required to book for microlocs Installation.

This deposit goes towards your install price balance.

example: Price $550 20% deposit = $110  $750 price 20% deposit = $150  $1250 price 20% deposit = $250


Transfer Client deposit Fee : if your locs were installed by someone else and you need a retie there is added $50 is added to the retie price. 


Retighten Info: 
Retighten Price is $145 up to 2 hours and $50 an hour after 2 hours. Most reties are about 2 hours or less. 

if new growth is more than 2inches there is a $20 fee for every inch of growth after 2 inch. 

Reties are 4-8 weeks  Any reties after 8+weeks must have a new consultation to book. .

Hair must be washed 24-48 hours before retie, completely dry. 

* I do not wash locs as it takes lots of time to dry the locs,

it's better for the client to wash, I will give all instructions on proper washing. 

Your next retie must be scheduled before leaving the current retie service. 

Reties are done during the week days, 8am-5pm... 

You will be given instructions to follow before your install, if you do not follow the instructions, your appointment will be cancelled and there is NO REFUND! a new install date is needed, cancellation fee added. 
After 1 missed consultation appointment, you will be required to pay a $25 cancelation fee. If you cancel twice the consultation is voided and a new consultation is needed.

You be sent a text confirmation 24 hours before for installs, reins and consultations, if you don't confirm your appointment it will be cancelled and the cancellation policy for that service is effective. 


You can reschedule your install one time, if you cancel twice, you will also need a new consultation and new deposit payment. No deposit refunded. 

 If you are late please text or call, I do give a 30 minute grace period. After 30 minutes, you will have to reschedule your appointment. keep in my mind this counts as a cancelled service. $25 fee


Reties cancellations are $25, must be paid with the new retie date and added to the price. 


After the end of the 1st day of service balance must be paid in full or half payment. 
Due to Covid-19, If you are having any symptoms of Covid-19, please contact me to reschedule your appointment.
No extra guests are allowed.
I service women and children age 11+
Please keep in mind that microlocs are very time consuming. On installation day, please make sure to have a clear/free schedule. Microlocs installation time range can vary anywhere between 1-2 days, this includes a fifteen minute break and a 30 lunch break, depending on length and thickness of hair. Please be prepared to spend at least 2 days on this service. Installation Time is broken down in 8-10 hours. If it takes over 10hours your service will be broken into 2 days. 
Payments are Cash and Zelle

Microlocs installation includes installation, interlocking, starter kit, oil and rose water spray after service.  
You must shampoo and detangle hair before your install.

You will be given an agreement of service to sign to ensure quality and satisfaction of service provided. 
YOU MUST BOOK A CONSULTATION before booking for microlocs installation. Consultation quotes are valid for 30 days
( must book install within 30days) 
After 30 days, you must book a new consultation.
I do install microlocs with extensions *extra cost|  extensions aren't for everyone, this is determined during consultation. 

When booking you agree to pics and videos for social media content. 
Natural hair only. * no perm.
Microlocs cannot be installed on relaxed / heat damaged hair.
Your hair must be a minimum of 3 inches for microlocs installation. 4 inches is most recommended.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please
TEXT (862)448-0096 or email
Thank you for choosing Loc'd.Roots


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